Monday, May 2, 2016

Project 07- Class Portfolio


Turn in all the most updated versions of work for Project 01, 02, 03, 04, 05,  and 06 (if applicable) as digital photos on a USB Flash Drive:

Project 01- Hand-drawing Development Notes (Lines, Ellipses, Contours, Textures, etc.)
     - Should only be 4-10 pages worth of images

Project 02- Vehicle Design in Perspective
     - Include all Process Work (Silhouettes, Line Art Over Silhouettes, etc.)

Project 03- Apple Painting
     - Include all Process Work (Apple Warm-ups)

Project 04- Caricature Painting
     - Include all Process Work (Thumbnails, Studies, Value Keys, Color Keys, etc.)

Project 05- Hero Redesign & Process Work
     - Include all Process Work (Silhouettes, Thumbnails, Studies, Color Variations, Color Keys, etc.)

Project 06- Book "Movement" Illustration & Process Work
     - Include all Process Work (Thumbnails, Studies, Value Keys, Color Keys, etc.)

- All images must be: 
  • Properly labeled- "LastName_FirstName_128_Project(#)_(X).jpg"
    • Ex. Project 05 Super Hero Character Painting Project-
      • Silhouettes- "Matsumoto_Michael_128_Project05_01.jpg"
      • Thumbnails- "Matsumoto_Michael_128_Project05_02.jpg"
      • Final Illustration- "Matsumoto_Michael_128_Project05_06.jpg"
  • Converted into a digitized image (if done digitally)
  • In high-resolution 300 pixels per inch 
  • Project 01 will just be a photo of the notes you took for the assignment
ImportantBe sure to double-check that your USB/files work on another computer before coming to class. Corrupted files/flash drive will not be excused under any circumstances and will negatively affect your project grade.

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