Thursday, May 19, 2016

Homework DUE Tuesday 05/23

  • Complete as much of the digital portfolio project as possible (scan/photograph clearly, label correctly, etc.)

  • Bring ALL traditional work (especially Project 02 and Process Work) to be photographed and digitally converted in class

  • Extra Credit Opportunity (5 pts.)- Draw a self portrait based off the one done in your sketchbook at the beginning of the semester; however, it MUST be done somehow better to receive credit!
    • Must be done on DRAWING paper (not printer paper), 8"x11" or bigger
    • Must bring your old self portrait drawing for comparison

Reminder- Tuesday's class will be partially devoted to photographing traditional work and working on portfolio. Later in the class, I will announce criteria for Thursday's mandatory art contest. Work for the contest can begin Tuesday evening. Prizes will be awarded at the end of Thursday.

Thursday- Portfolios will be turned in on USBs at the beginning of class. Bring student grade sheet. No exceptions for LATE submissions. Be here on time! 

Remaining time in Thursday's class will be to work on contest. Last portion of class will be dedicated to Q&A.

Give it your best! I will see you all next week.

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