Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Project 05- Iconic Character Redesign

CRITIQUE: Tuesday, May 7th, 2017
DUE: Thursday, MAY 11th, 2016 @ 4:50 PM 


  • Reimagine a design an iconic character influenced by an iconic time-period genre.
  • Create an illustration of character in dynamic pose

A) Choose a pre-existing character from the list below:

- Captain America
- Green Lantern
- Wonder Woman
- Scarlet Witch

B) Choose a classic RPG character class for your character:

- Soldier Class (Ex. Knight, Samurai, Barbarian)
- Magician Class (Ex. Wizard, Sorcerer, Druid )
- Rogue Class (Ex. Thief, Pirate, Hunter)
- Cleric Class (Ex. Priest, Witch Doctor, Monk)

C) Choose a time-period genre to influence your redesign:

- Old World West (Ex. Medieval Europe)
- Old World East (Ex. Feudal Japan)

- Must have reminiscent qualities of the original character design

- Must have reminiscent qualities of the RPG character class

- Must look old-world/medieval period in redesign (aka. no advance technology like robotics)

- Illustration must have some indication of three-dimensional form using lighting
          - Design can be realistic or stylized
          - Character must be "grounded"; no floating figure
          - Background can be ambiguous or specific

Acrylic/Ink OR Digital

11"x17" (Portrait Orientation)

Process Work Required:

- 1+ mood board
- 2+ pages of ideation
- 3+ various line drawing costume sketches
- 3+ various color design variations
- 5+ thumbnails of poses/composition
- 1 final illustration


Artist: Alex Diboine

Other Examples

Artist: Ryan Meineidig

Artist: Alex Zedig Diboine

Artist: Various

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